For official emblems, the USAF uses a color palette consisting of 40 colors that was developed by The Institute of Heraldry (TIOH) (While the TIOH’s official USAF color palette indicates there are 41 colors, #21 is omitted). TIOH is a US Army organization that is responsible for providing heraldic services for all branches of the federal government to include designing and producing official renderings of seals and emblems for the USAF and USSF. TIOH establishes the standards for USAF and USSF insignia worn on official uniforms, to include patches, and the enforces strict quality standards on officially certified manufacturers.
When TIOH completes an official USAF emblem package, it includes: 1) an official rendering, 2) an emblem significance statement or description, and a 3) manufacturing drawing (also referred to as a “cartoon”). The cartoon is used by approved insignia manufacturers to produce an embroidered patch and includes specifications such as the colors and type of yarn (also referred to as “thread” or “cable”) to be used, dimensions and other manufacturing instructions such as the type of border to be used. A version of the TIOH USAF color palette has been used since at least the 1960s and emblem significance statements since that time make reference to the palette.
Subdued Palettes
Emblems rendered and patches produced using from the 40-color palette are known as “full color”. TIOH also developed color palettes that are used to convert full color emblems/patches to “subdued” colors. While TIOH develops the color palette, the actual responsibility for choosing the subdued coloring scheme falls to the Air Force Clothing Office (or its predecessor organizations). There are five subdued palettes that have been or are currently in use by the USAF:
- Woodland/Forest Subdued.
- Desert Subdued.
- Airman Battle Uniform (ABU) Subdued.
- Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) Subdued.
- Spice Brown (OCP) Subdued.
Information on the Palette Tables
TIOH provides the following specific information for each color in the palette:
- Swatch – sample of the actual color.
- Name – TIOH’s name for the color. This may differ from the name used by other entities.
- “Yarn” Number – Also referred to as the “Cable” or “Thread” number, this number corresponds to specially manufactured thread that is used in the production of patches.
- Pantone Matching System (PMS) Color Number – PMS is a proprietary numbering system for colors used in graphic design developed by Pantone, LLC. By using the PMS number, you can use ensure that correct color is reproduced accurately. PMS “Coated” (the color as printed on “coated” paper resulting in glossy finish as found in magazines) are used for the color swatches in the tables below.
For the tables below, some additional information is provided:
- Hexadecimal Color Code – Also referred to as a “Hex Code”, this is a common format used to represent colors on websites. Hex codes were converted from PMS on the Pantone website.
- Red, Green, Blue Code – Also referred to as “RGB code”, this is a format used to display colors on computer screens. RGB codes were converted from PMS on the Pantone website.
- Federal Standard – Federal Standard 595C (subsequently superseded by Aerospace Material Specification Standard 595) is the specification which governs colors used in federal government procurement. The Federal Standard number is used to obtain military standard paint for application on signs, aircraft, etc. Federal Codes conversion was provided by TIOH.
USAF Palette Tables
- Full Color
- Woodland/Forest Subdued
- Desert Subdued
- Airman Battle Uniform Subdued (Not Currently Available)
- Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) Subdued
- Spice Brown (OCP) Subdued
- Conversion Chart, Full Color to Woodland/Forest and Desert Subdued
USAF Color Palette
Color | Yarn | Pantone Matching System (PMS) | Hex | Federal Standard |
Black | 67138 | None | #000000 | 17038 |
Smoke | 67201 | 425 | #53575A | 16081 |
Silver Gray | 67137 | 422 | #9EA1A2 | 16492 |
White | 67101 | None | #FFFFFF | 17925 |
Air Force Yellow | 67103 | 116 | #FFCD00 | 13655 |
Yellow | 67108 | 136 | #FFBF3C | 13538 |
Golden Orange | 67109 | 1375 | #FF9E18 | 12300 |
Orange | 67110 | 1665 | #FF4D00 | 12246 |
Marine Corps Scarlet | 67154 | 185 | #EA0029 | 11302 |
Scarlet | 67111 | 200 | #C10230 | 11350 |
Crimson | 67112 | 220 | #A50050* | – |
Brick Red | 67113 | 202 | #8A2432 | 11136 |
Garnet | 67158 | 209 | #6F263D* | – |
Maroon | 67114 | 504 | 572A31 | 10049 |
Purple | 67115 | 267 | #60269E | – |
Brittany | 67119 | 551 | #A2C5D3 | 15526 |
Bluebird | 67117 | 542 | #7BADD3 | 15092 |
Oriental | 67172 | 285 | #0071CE | 15182 |
Light Blue | 67120 | 5415 | #5B7F95* | 15177 |
Ultramarine | 67118 | Reflex | #001689 | – |
Cobalt Blue | 67122 | 281 | #00205C | 15050 |
Flag Blue | 67124 | 282 | #011E41 | 15048 |
Old Glory | 67178 | 280 | #002169 | 15056 |
Grotto Blue | 67165 | 3115 | #00C1D4* | – |
Teal | 67121 | 3035 | #003E52 | – |
Mosstone | 67127 | 377 | #7A9A01* | – |
Emerald | 67128 | 369 | #61A60E | – |
Irish | 67189 | 348 | #00843E | 14120 |
Green | 67129 | 357 | #1A5632 | 14110 |
Spruce Green | 67130 | 3302 | #004C45 | 14066 |
Bottle Green | 67191 | 343 | #095540 | 14109 |
Army Green | 67131 | 553 | #294634 | 14036 |
Olive Drab | 67133 | 455 | #695A24 | – |
Natural | 67192 | 454 | #CCC4A7 | – |
Khaki | 67193 | 452 | #B2A77E | 13522 |
Buff | 67135 | 465 | #BC955C | 10371 |
Bronze | 67147 | 874 | #8B6F4B | – |
Gold Brown | 67194 | 471 | #BB6125 | 12160 |
Spice Brown | 67196 | 168 | #75391C | 10075 |
Brown | 67136 | 161 | #623C21 | 10055 |
USAF Woodland/Forest Subdued Palette
Color | Yarn | Pantone Matching System (PMS) | Hex | Federal Standard |
Black | 67138 | None | #000000 | 17038 |
Garnet | 67158 | 209 | #6F263D* | None |
Flag Blue | 67124 | 282 | #011E41 | 15048 |
Spruce Green | 67130 | 3302 | #004C45 | 14066 |
Olive Drab | 67133 | 455 | #6B5A24 | None |
USAF Desert Palette
Color | Yarn | Pantone Matching System (PMS) | Hex | Federal Standard |
Black | 67138 | None | #000000 | 17038 |
Khaki | 67193 | 452 | #B2A77E | 13522 |
Spice Brown | 67196 | 168 | #75391C | 10075 |
USAF Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) Palette
Color | Yarn | Pantone Matching System (PMS) | Hex | Federal Standard |
Black | 67138 | None | #000000 | 17038 |
Bagby Green | 67204 | 399 | #A19200 | None |
Olive Drab | 67133 | 455 | #6B5A24 | None |
Khaki | 67193 | 452 | #B2A77E | 13522 |
USAF Spice Brown (OCP) Subdued Palette
Color | Yarn | Pantone Matching System (PMS) | Hex | Federal Standard |
Black | 67138 | None | #000000 | 17038 |
Bagby Green | 67204 | 399 | #A19200 | None |
Olive Drab | 67133 | 455 | #6B5A24 | None |
Spice Brown | 67196 | 168 | #75391C | None |
Palette Conversion Table
Full Color | Woodland/Forest | Desert |
Black | Black | Black |
Silver Gray | Black | Black |
White | Spruce Green | Spice Brown |
Air Force Yellow | Olive Drab | Khaki |
Yellow | NOT SPECIFIED | |
Golden Orange | Olive Drab | Khaki |
Orange | Spruce Green | Spice Brown |
Marine Corps Scarlet | Garnet | Spice Brown |
Scarlet | Garnet | Spice Brown |
Crimson | Garnet | Spice Brown |
Brick Red | Garnet | Spice Brown |
Garnet | Garnet | Spice Brown |
Maroon | Garnet | Spice Brown |
Purple | NOT SPECIFIED | |
Brittany | Spruce Green | Spice Brown |
Bluebird | Spruce Green | Spice Brown |
Oriental | NOT SPECIFIED | |
Light Blue | NOT SPECIFIED | |
Ultramarine | Flag | Black |
Cobalt Blue | NOT SPECIFIED | |
Flag | Black | Black |
Old Glory | NOT SPECIFIED | |
Grotto Blue | NOT SPECIFIED | |
Mosstone | NOT SPECIFIED | |
Emerald | Spruce Green | Spice Brown |
Irish | Olive Drab | Khaki |
Green | Spruce Green | Spice Brown |
Spruce Green | Spruce Green | Spice Brown |
Bottle Green | NOT SPECIFIED | |
Army Green | NOT SPECIFIED | |
Olive Drab | Olive Drab | Khaki |
Natural | NOT SPECIFIED | |
Khaki | NOT SPECIFIED | Khaki |
Bronze | NOT SPECIFIED | |
Gold Brown | Spruce Green | Spice Brown |
Spice Brown | NOT SPECIFIED | Spice Brown |
Brown | Spruce Green | Spice Brown |
a. Consolidated Base Personnel Office Letter (CBPOL) 79-002, Subdued Configuration of the Utility Uniform, 10 January 1979.
b. Controlled Multiple Address Letter (CMAL) 95-32, Insignia, Shoulder Sleeve (Subdued Unit Patches), NSN 8455-00-941-2272, 1 November 1995.
c. CMAL 01-02, Insignia, Shoulder Sleeve (Subdued Unit Patches), NSN 8455-00-941-2272, 30 March 2001.
d. CMAL 18-01, OCP Tactical Flag, Name and USAF Tapes, Organizational Patches, Occupational Badges, Skill Badges, Identification Badges and Rank Insignia, 20 September 2018.
e. CMAL 20-01, OCP Tactical Flag, Name and USAF Tapes, Organizational Patches, Occupational Badges, Skill Badges, Identification Badges and Rank Insignia, 2020.
f. CMAL 22-01, OCP Tactical Flag, Name and USAF Tapes, Organizational Patches, Occupational Badges, Skill Badges, Identification Badges and Rank Insignia, 25 May 2022.
g. Pantone Connect, Pantone, LLC, accessed 4 September 2023,
h. The Institute of Heraldry (TIOH) Color Palette, date unknown.
i. TIOH Color Conversion List, 14 August 1995.
j. TIOH Common Colors Conversion Chart, 2023.
k. United States Air Forces Central Command, Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) Conversion Guidelines [Powerpoint Presentation], date unknown.