Below is a comprehensive list of publications related to US Air Force and/or US Space Force patch collecting. While comprehensive, there are undoubtedly additional publications that may not be listed. If you know of any additional publications that should be listed on this page, please contact the Webmaster.
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Title Index
- Active Air Force Wings as of 1 October 1995 [Book]
- Aeroemblem Collector Reference Series [Lithographs]
- Air Force Bases Volume I: Active Air Force Bases Within the United States on 17 September 1982 [Book]
- Air Force Bases Volume II: Air Bases Outside the United States of America [Book]
- Air Force Collecting [Book]
- Air Force Colors [Book]
- Air Force Combat Units of World War II [Book]
- Air Force Combat Wings: Lineage & Honors Histories, 1947-1977 [Book]
- Air Force Heritage [Pamphlet]
- Air Force Magazine Almanac Issue [Periodical]
- Air Force Missile Patches [Book]
- Air Force Radar Patches [Book]
- Air Heraldry [Book]
- Air National Guard Pocket Patches [Book]
- Air Training Command Organization: A 30 Year View 1943-1974 [Book]
- Air Weather Service: Our Heritage 1937-1987 [Book]
- Airborne Patches of the 55th Wing & Attached Aircrews [Book]
- Airman Magazine Almanac Issue [Periodical]
- American Flight Jackets: A History of U.S. Flyers Jackets from World War II to Desert Storm [Book]
- Battle Colors: Insignia and Aircraft Markings of the U.S. Army Air Forces in WWII [Book]
- Cold War Legacy: A Tribute to the Strategic Air Command, 1946-1992 [Book]
- Combat Squadrons of the Air Force in World War II: History & Insignia [Book]
- Combatant Wings of the Tactical Air Forces [Book]
- The Comprehensive Guide to United States Air Force Pocket/Shoulder Insignia Motto Series [Book]
- The Comprehensive Illustrated Guide to United States Air Force Pocket/Shoulder Insignia Series [Book]
- Decorations, Medals, Ribbons, Badges & Insignia of the United States Air Force [Book]
- Defender: An Illustrated Guide to United States Air Force, Security Police and Security Forces Patch Insignia [Book]
- Defenders of Freedoms [Posters]
- Desert Uniforms, Patches, and Insignia of the US Armed Forces [Book]
- Disney Don’s Dogtags [Book]
- Disney During World War II: How the Walt Disney Studio Contributed to Victory in the War [Book]
- Distinctive Insignia of the U.S. Army Air Forces, 1924-1947 [Book]
- Fakes & Reproductions of the Vietnam War: A Guidebook for Collectors and Historians [Book]
- A Guide to Air Force Heraldry [Book]
- A Guide to Air Force Lineage & Honors [Book]
- A Handbook of Aerospace Defense Organizations: 1946-1980 [Book]
- Historical Highlights: The United States Air Forces in Europe 1942-1997, 55th Anniversary Edition [Book]
- History & Lineage Of the F-117A Stealth Fighter Organizations [Book]
- History of Air Education & Training Command, 1943-2002 [Book]
- History of Air Training Command, 1943-1993 [Book]
- The Insignia Detective [Periodical]
- Lineage & Honors of the Operational Weather Squadrons [Book]
- I Could Tell You But Then You Would Have to be Destroyed by Me [Book]
- Insignia and Decorations of the U.S. Armed Forces [Book]
- Into the Blue: Uniforms of the United States Air Force 1947 to the Present [Book]
- An Introduction to Insignia Collecting [Book]
- Lineage & Honors of the Operational Weather Squadrons [Book]
- The Mighty Eighth: Warpaint & Heraldry [Book]
- Military Patches [Book]
- More Silver Wings, Pinks & Greens: An Expanded Study of USAS, USAAC and USAAF Uniforms, Wings and Insignia, 1913-1945 [Book]
- The Newsletter of the American Society of Military Insignia Collectors [Periodical]
- Nighthawks: Insider’s Guide to the Heraldry and Insignia of the Lockheed F-117A Stealth Fighter [Book]
- Organization and Insignia of the American Expeditionary Force: 1917-1923 [Book]
- Organization & Lineage of the United States Air Force [Book]
- Pacific Air Forces, 1944-1994: Fifty Years in Defense of the Nation [Book]
- Poised for the New Millennium: The Global Reach of the Air Mobility Command A Chronology [Book]
- Republic’s A-10 Thunderbolt II [Book]
- A Salute to Air Force Communications Command Leaders & Lineage [Book]
- Service with Character: The Disney Studios & World War II [Book]
- Silver Wings, Pinks and Greens [Book]
- Squadron Insignia of the United States Air Force Academy [Book]
- Strategic Air Command Bomb Wings [Posters]
- Strategic Air Command Unit Mission & History Summaries [Book]
- Toons at War [Book]
- The Trading Post [Periodical]
- United States Air Force in Korea: Campaigns, Units & Stations, 1950-1953 [Book]
- United States Air Force Unit Designations Since 1978 [Book]
- The United States Air National Guard [Book]
- The United States Military Aviation Directory [Book]
- US Air Force Air Power Directory [Book]
- US Air Force: The New Century [Book]
- USAF Active Flying, Space and Missile Squadrons as of 1 October 1995 [Book]
- USAF F-15 Eagles: Units, Colors & Markings [Book]
- USAF Fighter Squadrons Before 1958 [Book]
- USAF Fighter-Interceptor Squadrons & Wings [Book]
- USAF Tactical Fighter Wings & Squadrons [Book]
- United States Army Air Service: Wing Badges – Uniforms and Insignia, 1913-1918 [Book]
- Walt Disney Treasures: Walt Disney on the Front Lines [DVD]
- World War II US Made, Fully Machine-Embroidered, Cut Edge, Shoulder Sleeve Insignia and How They Were Manufactured: A Collector’s Guide [Book]
- Yankee Air Pirates: U.S. Air Force Uniforms and Memorabilia of the Vietnam War [Book]